BELLA TELA – You can see our full new collection over skype, facetime or whatsapp video calls!
Our designers will guide you through the new collection, this allows you to understand the drape, movement and technical aspects of all our designs as you see them in real time. Having a skype call also gives you the advantage of being able to see fabrics pulled from nearly ten years of collections!
We can take requests of styles you are looking for and show you our most relevant designs. Here at Bella Tela we design and manufacture the most exquisite Couture fabrics. We are supplying the Bridal, couture and pret-a porter markets and offer collaborations, bespoke piece and really work with you to suit you needs.
Please contact us today to book your skype meeting- email, you can also instagram message us or give us a call on +44 1823 257072.
We look forward to hearing from you!
The Bella Tela Team x